Words to Live By

Happily married. 41. Infertile/perimenopausal. TV and iPod addict. Transplanted Canadian living in California. {Warning - abundant sarcasm and frequent *gasp* profanity lie herein.}

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What Happens in Vegas...

... SHOULD stay in Vegas. This was my second trip, and I think I've seen enough. Seldom have I seen a more poignant example of the Ugly American. I realize there are people visiting there from all around the world, but the vast majority of them are Americans. You can tell by the bad haircuts and the non-existant fashion sense, the juvenile attitude towards nudity, the roving packs of white males and the inability to gauge when to say "when" to a bartender. Here are more random thoughts, observations and tips from me to you:

** I can't stress this enough: do NOT bring your baby/toddler/pre-teen child or children to Vegas and drag them around casinos until all hours of the night.

** At the nicer bars and clubs, women often get in for free if they are by themselves, while if you are a couple both of you have to pay the cover. So, stand in line separately and join up again once you are inside.

** If you are pregnant, please don't drink. There isn't some magic fairy dust that will make the alcohol drank in Vegas any less threatening to your fetus than anywhere else (despite the fact that most drinks are watered down).

** There are two outlets on the Strip that sell half-price show tickets for the same day, they open at noon.

** Unless you are going from one end of the Strip to the other, skip the monorail and walk. By the time you walk to the stations you could have been half-way to your destination.

** We are in our early 40's. Most of the people in Vegas were either 10 to 15 years younger or 10 to 15 years older than us.

** Do not travel in groups of 10 or more, you take up too much room in restaurants and make the rest of us wait even longer to be seated.

** Parking is always free at a casino. Getting out of a casino parking garage requires a GPS and a trail of bread crumbs.

** Get off the Strip and drive out to the desert, there are many amazing natural wonders to see that don't involve a g-string or break-away clothing.

Red Rock Canyon


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sound advice. My favorite part of Vegas was the drive to the desert and Hoover Dam.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Sue said...

I agree....very sound advice. Nevertheless, I LOVE VEGAS! DH doesn't gamble so we don't go often, but I play craps and blackjack in the evenings, see shows, lay out by the pool while DH golfs. There IS a reason though, why I go on a budget and we never stay more than 3 days. It makes me sad when I see people gambling their mortgages and children's educations away.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Ramona said...

Thanks for the advice...I am really looking forward to seeing Hoover Dam and would love to get out to see Red Rock Canyon (love the pic, BTW!) Would you recommend renting a car for a day? Or taking a tour (normally, I hate tours, but I'm also not keen to drive in an unfamiliar place)

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Donna said...

Ramona, I would definitely rent a car, at Red Rock Canyon there is a one-way loop with stops all the way along where you can get out and climb on the rocks or do the trails. If you were on a tour you couldn't pick and choose what looked interesting to you. Both the dam and the canyon are easy to get to.

Sue, I suppose if it had been warm enough to sit by the pool my experience would have been better, but since it was too windy we ended up in the casinos during the day, which is UG-LY.

We saw Penn & Teller, and even met them after the show, I would recommend seeing that. We also saw Zumanity, the erotic Cirque du Soleil show, which was pretty disappointing. I normally love Cirque and have seen almost every show, this was my least favorite. Although it was nice to see small-breasted women presented as sexy.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

I'd never survive! I'm definitely a small city Canadian...hehe. Amazing picture by the way.


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